Friday, July 26, 2013

26w Belly Button Watch 2013

I have now initiated BELLY BUTTON WATCH 2013. When I was pregnant with Ana my belly button sort of flattened out but was still a bit concave. Judging from how things are looking now I'm guessing that it will pop out this time - probably by the end of August. You read it here. I'll keep you posted on my prediction.

I'm also currently accepting suggestions for my Halloween costume. My due date is November 2nd so the belly will be good and baked at that point. I'm looking for something really creative and cheap - so keep your pumpkin suggestions to yourself.

Pregnancy observations:

  1. The amount of urine excreted by a pregnant woman is apparently greater than the amount of fluids she actually consumes. I have visited the washroom about a gazillion times today. Don't worry - I'm well hydrated.
  2. I currently have amazing skin. Not a pimple in sight. I also have pretty great hair too.
  3. This kid is way more active than I remember Ana being. So much so that I Googled whether babies could be TOO active. The answer is no... I'm still going to double check with my midwife next week though.
  4. My favorite question/game these days is when people ask me when I'm due. I like to see how big their eyes get and how flustered they are when I tell them I have another three months to go. To their defense I look like a could pop any day.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Family Vacation - Rhode Island & Massachusetts (July 2013)

We recently took a week-long holiday with my family on the boat my brother Andrew runs. He'd recently sailed the MaHa up from the British Virgin Islands to Newport, Rhode Island where we met up with him, my dad, step-mom, brother James, and Andrew's fiancee Cat. We had a great time!

That's right, that big one at the back!

Here are some pics featuring the belly on our trip:

Our first time under sail. Ana and I both got sick (this was the only time). Ana went to sleep. I threw up.

Cuttyhunk, MS - Yes, this is what 6 months pregnant looks like (for me)

Yup, still only 6 months...  

 Family shot with the four of us (number 4 in utero)

 Quiet moment on the beach

 Walking around Martha's Vineyard

Golfing at Priate's Cove in Cape Cod, MS

Thursday, July 18, 2013

24w6d ga

All is well with my pregnancy. I have been much more comfortable this pregnancy - mostly because I know how to manage some of the symptoms better. The heat wave we're currently experiencing isn't fabulous but fortunately both work and home are air conditioned so I have been managing fairly well. 

I definitely haven't been blogging every new pregnancy symptom the way I did last time. However, I haven't been completely neglecting my son in social media! Here, for all perpetuity, are some pregnancy related posts.

I was pregnant in this picture but didn't know it yet. That same night I climbed out the passenger side window of Laura's car (without getting footprints on the ceiling) when she ditched the car.

 Announcement! (It isn't real until you post it on Facebook after all)



July17, 2013

July 18, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

20w 6d Ultrasound Results!

Bebe numbero dos' ultrasound was yesterday. He was as uncooperative and evasive as his sister - he even kicked the ultrasound probe a few times. The poor sonographer had to chase him around to get a look at all his parts. Mark says its because he's got the Rossi leg shaking disorder...

He was however much less shy than his sister in giving up the goods. As you can tell from the masculine pronoun we found out that a baby boy will be joining us in the wider world this Fall. Ana, who has recently become very interested in and excited about becoming a big sister, is also excited at the prospect of a little brother. 

For the record, my maternal instinct was correct again, there is facebook proof that I predicted a boy the day before the ultrasound. It took a while longer to confirm my hunch that Ana was a girl as she was 'shy' and wouldn't give up the goods in her ultrasound and we had to wait until she was born.

Here are a few ultrasound pictures for your viewing pleasure:

 In profile

Ana art - Our family:

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Not much new to report. Most days I feel pretty good although I've had more headaches this time around which I think is, in part, due to the weirdo (dramatic) changes in weather we've had so far this spring which I'm susceptible to even in a non-pregnant state (don't get me started on what happened when i lived in Calgary and there was a chinook).

We've got a checkup with the midwife on Tuesday and are really excited about the ultrasound on the 20th.

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is bebe número dos' very first belly picture! I am much bigger compared to same time last time around which is normal (but still a bit disconcerting!).

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I think there's probably something to the idea that birth order has an affect on your life. Bebe numero dos is already not getting near as much blog coverage! Ah well, s/he will benefit from all the experience I got figuring out how to be a mom with Ana.

My morning sickness seems to have resolved and I have weaned myself off the mecation I was taking to manage it. On the flip side I've had a few migraines with vomiting this pregnancy which I didn't get during my pregnancy with Ana. I'm trying to sort out if there are any triggers that I can avoid to minimize the migraines as I can't take anything (that works - Tylenol is allowed but ineffective) for them.

I've felt a few little flutters and the odd light kick from bebe. I'm not sure I would have noticed or been able to identify these last time around as I wasn't familiar with the feel wee baby dance moves. 

My weight, which soared in the first eight weeks of my pregnancy, has leveled off which is a relief. After having lost all that weight prior to my pregnancy I was a bit freaked out to watch the scale climb the way it did for awhile there. A couple of people have asked me about my weight loss and pregnancy. I lost the weight, in part, to be healthier for a subsequent pregnancy (I also harbored a secret hope that I wouldn't get morning sickness... I was clearly deluded). So I'm' not concerned about the fact that I'll have some weight management work to do in the postpartum.

Wendy, my step-mum, was kind enough to sew up a few maternity shirts for me. I picked out the pattern and five different materials and away she went! They're all the same pattern - here's a (not very good) picture of one of the five:

We had our second visit with the midwife today and got to hear bebe's heart beat for the first time. It was loud and strong and just the right tempo. We brought Ana along for our visit and, to be honest, she was kind of uninterested. I don't think she really gets that there's an actual little person growing in mama's belly. We don't push her as we know she'll figure it out in her own time.

Without further ado here is the video of bebe's first hearing of the heart beat:

Next exciting happening will be the mid-pregnancy ultrasound at the end of June!

Friday, April 19, 2013

11w 7d

We had a lovely visit with Zia, Uncle Lou, cousins, and second cousins in Michigan last weekend. I picked up a few maternity clothes States-side too as a lot of the clothes from my pregnancy with Ana are currently ginormous on me - I was heavier starting out in my last pregnancy.

Conversely, looking back at some of the belly pictures we took during my pregnancy with Ana my belly is much bigger compared to the same time in my last pregnancy. Its all popped out much more quickly this time.

I've also decided to alter some of my current clothes - I just added in some stretchy panels to the sides of cute skirt I bought shortly before I found out I was pregnant. I never got a chance to wear it before the bloat set in! I should be able to remove the panels and sew it back in the many, many months from now when I get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

The weather has been a bit odd around here. It suddenly spiked to well into the 20's yesterday evening and is supposed to drop back down to more seasonal temperatures by tonight. I think the changes in atmospheric pressure have resulted in some crazy pregnancy puffiness for me - my hands, feet, and lips are all swollen today. Hopefully the swelling will go back down with the temperature!